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Cultivating Talent in Japan and Malawi Through Corporate Collaboration

Warm Hearts Coffee Club receives raw coffee beans from Malawi, generously provided by Ataka Trading Company. Starting in April 2024, Ataka Trading will continue to supply us with a stable delivery of these beans. Despite the rising market value of coffee and increased local labor costs, Ataka Trading has graciously provided us with these rare and valuable beans for our charity initiatives.

*For more details on Ataka Trading Co., Ltd.’s SDGs initiatives, click here.

*Please watch the video for further details.

Through industry-academic collaboration, there are numerous ways that NPOs can address local and global challenges in partnership with companies.

According to the Global Development Index, in about 100 years, 65% of the birth rate will be from Africa. The future might see IT outsourcing shifting from India and China to Africa. Our NPO, Seibo, is implementing school meal support in Malawi, a country where English is spoken, half the population is under 24 years old, and it is the only African country that has never experienced war.

Seibo, in partnership with Ataka Trading, sources coffee from Malawi. By offering this coffee as a return gift for donations, we are engaging companies in SDGs-related activities. Additionally, domestic Japanese educational institutions are involved in the branding of this coffee as part of their exploratory learning programs, which also promotes sales and contributes to Japanese education.

*For details on corporate CSR and SDGs initiatives, click the link below



[Cultivating Talent through Industry-Academic Collaboration: Talent in Africa and Japan]

We are collaborating with Infocom Corporation on the theme of “Industry-Academic Collaboration” and SDGs, using Lookat, a service that visualizes SDGs initiatives. Through our 15 yen per meal school meal support, we report on how corporate support concretely impacts Africa.


“Nurturing talent through industry-academic collaboration: Starting SDGs with school meal support in Malawi”

*Article post on “Lookat” by Infocom Corporation about our partnership and the future of Africa (Japanese)

Our coffee not only contributes to Malawi’s future but also links to the education of children in Japan. We hope to further enhance our activities with companies that resonate with this social added value. Thank you for your continued support!


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